Your Future.
When everything is on the line,
don't go it alone.
Leverage the wisdom and experience of Rotenberg Associates.
As popular restaurant group reopened following the COVID-19 lockdown and social unrest in response to the killing of George Floyd, a disgruntled former employee used social media to allege unfair treatment of workers, violations of health protocols, and insufficient owner support of Black Lives Matter.
As the nation reckoned with the Black Lives Matter movement's calls for racial justice, a prestigious private school was targeted by a social media campaign over perceived institutional racism, threatening the school’s reputation and enrollment.
Amid dramatically heightened national attention to sexual assault on college campuses, a large public university was sued in federal court by a former student alleging violations of Title IX arising from the university’s alleged mishandling of her sexual assault claim against a fellow student.
During a routine state health department inspection, a specialty health care clinic's use of certain medical equipment was deemed unsafe, creating a risk of possible exposure to patients of deadly blood-borne illnesses.
During a downturn in the job market for professional school graduates, congressional, media, and blog inquiries into the accuracy of reported employment and salary data, federal loan payment and default rates, and accreditation standards were publicly directed at the national professional association charged with accreditation authority.
State capital city involved in intense community and media scrutiny and potential class action litigation following a landslide that killed several young children. Rotenberg Associates provided strategic counsel, assisted with an internal investigation, developed messaging and prepared the city’s Mayor for press conference announcing investigation results.